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Our mission is to provide beautiful and brilliant living art installations customized to our customers–whether they are individuals or big businesses. Reefresh specializes in aquarium maintenance that delivers a clean, polished, and aesthetic result. Our staff offers a wealth of knowledge and support perfectly combined with our design expertise to bring you a healthy, thriving, and unique aquatic masterpiece.

why we do itt

We bring a less familiar and extremely diverse aspect of nature to our clients. Reefresh loves to show our passion in such an exquisite way through our living art installations. The beauty of the sea can be shared and appreciated with anyone. Whether you want to showcase an aquarium for your clients and employees at your business, or you are interested in a unique and cutting edge installation in your own home; together we can make it happen.


our team

Marina Merlin, CEO | Phone: 608-456-7890

Kai Merlin, CFO | Phone: 608-456-7890

"Through my studies and traveling with my wife, Marina, I am blessed to always be expanding my knowledge. I've dedicated my life to bettering sea life and sharing it with others."

"Ever since I was young, my passion has always been sea life. I've found my calling as a traveler, student, aquarium designer, and now business owner. I love bringing the wonderful marine life treasures to my clients." 

Gregory Brooks, Lead Aquarium Specialist | Phone: 608-456-7890

Sandy Zapata, Lead Consultant | Phone: 608-456-7890

"There is nothing more special to me than hearing a clients' ideas and excitement for installing an aquarium and then seeing their reaction to the final product. I strive to please every client with a maintainable and beautiful aquarium. "

"Having earned my Master's degree in Marine Biology, the sea is second nature to me. I always have wanted to learn about the sea life and the science behind it. I am fortunate enough to have gained a wealth of knowledge and apply that to my position at Reefresh.

Growing up, Marina Merlin was infatuated with all things aquatic. Her first pet was a puffer fish who she named Shelly. From then on, she realized her passion lied in caring after and providing a beautiful space for her nocturnal companion.

Marina has traveled from coast to coast, researching and discovering new species of aquatic life forms. She has earned her Master's degree in both Marine Biology and Landscape Architecture with an emphasis in Aquarium Design from the University of Tampa.

Now, Marina and her husband Kai have dedicated their lives to bringing their joy of the sea to their clients. Along the way, their travels have influenced their design and allowed them to master design of both what looks the best and what helps sea life thrive the best in their aquariums. They thirst for more and are constantly discovering, learning, and mastering their niche of sea-related knowledge.


Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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